Ha ha

 After John (1:14) 

I've recently been re-introduced to Gary Larson, the Far Side man, and his quirky humour. You know, the one who drew the picture of a boy pushing at a door marked PULL outside Midvale School for the Gifted. One of his cartoons drew a lot of complaints. It shows a dog called Fifi being set up. As part of his explanation, almost defence, of the cartoon he wrote about comedy generally, 'the key element in any attempt at humor is conflict. Our brain is suddenly jolted into trying to accept something that is unacceptable. The punch line of a joke is the part that conflicts with the first part, thereby surprising us and throwing our synapses into some kind of fire drill.' Rowan Atkinson puts it rather simpler with his two liner, 'What is the secret to good comedy?' 'timing' (No, it's not funny in print but worth an internet search).

Jesus timing in waiting until after John, is, of course, not an attempt at humour - though he did tell the equivalent of visual jokes - but it is a jolt. John's disciples fast, Jesus' feast. John calls out to the desert, Jesus travels to the towns. John's life is stolen by an evil king, Jesus life is given by a loving Lord.

So don't be afraid to break the mould of church or tradition. Jesus wasn't. You never know, there might even be some heavenly laughter.


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