I want some

Angels attended him (1:13) 

He didn't cut much of a figure. Scruffy, unshaven, coursely-spoken, he was hardly the obvious candidate for a homegroup leader. But somehow, by accident or design, he had become the de facto guide to our early adult fumblings in the world of faith. The faith where our parents no longer guided us and God was expected to turn up. And it was a strange group. School leavers just waiting to go up to university, early twenties who had no desire for more education and then Jim, a bit older, who didn't seem to fit into any category, living without portfolio if you like. But Jim certainly stretched our expectations of God. One day he had been driving out late and his headlights had failed. Unable to go on and with no money to call for help - or for that matter to mend the car at all - he laid hands on the lights and prayed. And they came back on. We thought he was crazy, but it set in motion a meme in my mind. What if God does a little more than appear 2000 years ago and then stay trapped in the pages of a book? What if God does not fit my nice rational explanation of the world? 

Jesus got angels - why can't we?


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