
With the hired men (1:20) 

In Japanese culture there is a phrase 'listening to the atmosphere', which acts as a reminder that communication is far more than words. I have just heard a rather beautiful English equivalent, 'to hear the missing notes', which I love. It turns conversation into a symphony, and language into an orchestra. My tendency to pare things down has found a new foil.

When we listen to the atmosphere of these words in Mark, we hear the sadness of James' and John's father, left behind on the sudden departure of his sons. The hired men may have been good employees, valued members of his organisation, but it is not the same as family. His hopes were in his sons: to lose one is a sadness, but to lose both at once a tragedy.

Are we held back from following Jesus wherever he leads by the expectations of others? It is rare that both partners in a marriage will move with Christ at the same pace. Can we trust God for such a gap in our relationship? It is an unusual parent who hopes their child will be called to full-time mission. Can we find the courage to disappoint our loved ones? 


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