The Sabbath came (1:21)
'On Monday I took a meeting with the mission committee, on Tuesday I was visiting parishes to the west of the diocese...', the new Archdeacon had been asked about her week, so, quite reasonably, she was telling us that it had been busy, 'then on Sunday I covered for a sick colleague. It meant I couldn't take my day off this week, but it happens to us all doesn't it?' She sounded a bit tired to my ears - excited by the job but needing a day off like the rest of us.
One might wonder if this is how Jesus felt when he worked on the sabbath, but I doubt it. He seems to have waited until the sabbath to go to work, rather than added it to his working week, so his actions are not a licence to work seven days a week, but an example to rest until the seventh day. Jesus waited for God's opportune moment, for God's sabbath of blessing. Are we brave enough to do the same?
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