
Stayed outside (1:45) 

Rowan Atkinson tells a story about fame. He was standing in line in a car parts store when one of the other customers recognized him. Or at least was struck by how much he looked like Mr Bean. 'You're the spitting image of that Mr Bean. You could make money out of that, yer know!' Rowan owned up to being the actor that plays Mr Bean, but the man didn't believe him, and the more Rowan Atkinson claimed it was him the crosser the man got. In the end Rowan had to get out, fast, before he got into a fight.

Fame for Jesus meant isolation. No longer could he mix freely, visit family or sit in the synagogue. Today, fame can make you money - just being famous leads advertisers to pay you to use their products. However, it still has many drawbacks. As Megan Fox puts it, 'Fame is being bullied by millions of people constantly'. Often we think loneliness is just about being alone, but let us not forget that loneliness can be felt as much, or more, by those surrounded by others.


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