
If you are willing (1:40) 

'I had a difficult childhood. My father was a victim of war and was admitted to hospital when I was a baby, never to be released. It affected me deeply. I suffered several mental breakdowns and received electroconvulsive therapy treatment (ECT). One day, I was weeping in the bathroom when the Lord God spoke to me this verse: "Be still, and know that I am God". I was, literally, spellbound. I listened to his voice and he led me, through the words of the Bible, out of the darkness into his glorious light. I went on, over many years, to become a very active member of my church. Thanks be to God!' (Taken from the Bible Society booklet Words of hope when times are tough)

If you are absurd. Of course Jesus is willing. He longs to bring hope and life and peace. But are we ready to ask?


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