
They exclaimed (1:37) 

'Is it your day off?' It's a common question aimed at vicars found anywhere not in the parish. The implication is usually '...if it's not, why are you [shopping]' or similar word. It contains more than a hint of complaint, though I suppose the answer is always going to be, 'Well... not now'.

I wonder if Jesus felt the same. Here were the disciples having a good moan at him without taking the time to wonder why he was off on his own. Just as, to stay sane, the vicar needs the odd break in the middle of a working week, so Jesus needed a moment alone with his heavenly Father to recharge and get ready for the next stage of the mission. Indeed we all need to permit ourselves time to kick back and take time out, without guilt or the fear that someone somewhere is going to see us as slackers. How about it? As the song goes, 'Today I don't feel like doing anything'. Why not give it a try - you never know, it might be just what you need.


  1. Hear, hear. We are very poor at looking after ourselves and giving ourselves much needed personal time. You take all the time you need, George. It's essential.


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