
Simon's mother-in-law was in bed (1:30) 

I spent a year in bed. Well, not all the time, thankfully, but a lot of it. I had come down from college with what was then called post-viral fatigue syndrome, and had no energy for anything. On my best days I would read one sentence of a book and lie on the grass in Richmond Park watching the sky, thinking of nothing. For me bed is both a prison and a promise, a place of restriction and a place of recovery.

I wonder what bed meant for Peter's mother-in-law. Peace from the constant demands of womanhood in the first century? Probably not. This fever had driven her to bed and it became her temporary prison from which Jesus would set her free. 

Are we trapped by our circumstances? A new lockdown can feel that way for some. For others they've been trapped for years. Let's today offer that prison to the Lord and ask him for a route out. 


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