A man with a shrivelled hand was there (3:1)
John Wimber once said 'Don't trust a leader who doesn't walk with a limp'. He was referring to the story of Jacob's wrestling with God, where, after an all-night struggle, God touches the tendon on Jacob's hip, so that from that time onward he always walked with a limp. Jacob, now Israel, is humbled by his encounter with God, changed, and made ready to lead not just a family but a tribe.
I think we can often see our visible scars of suffering as a weakness, but it is clear God sees them as a strength - 'my strength is made perfect in weakness' as Paul hears Jesus say. Even Paul, until then, had not fully grasped that God's grace was sufficient. And this is why anyone who wishes to lead in God's church must walk with a limp, for only then do they and those they serve know that they are not trying to do things on their own. In the aftermath of their struggle they know that God's grace is enough to accomplish all God has in mind to do. No cleverness of man or woman, no wisdom of experience, no confident demeanour, but only God's loving kindness, God's countercultural wisdom, God's hidden authority is needed.
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