
To drive our demons (3:15)

This is the third of the three purposes of the apostles. First they are to be witnesses (be with him), second they are to proclaim what they see in public (preach) and third they are to 'drive out demons'. This triplet suggests a process. First see Jesus, second speak of Jesus and third, by such means, conquer evil.

In a high security prison in Brasil, two inmates were fascinated by the devil. One volunteered to come off drugs so that he could find out everything he could about the devil from reading the Bible. As he read, he saw Christ, turned to follow Christ and was changed beyond all recognition. The evil that had ruled his life was gone. He told his friend, who also came to Christ. They told the other prisoners who also came to Christ. Eventually the prison was so changed that it ceased to be a high security prison and became an open prison, where the prisoners could go home for the day only to return at night. Cells were no longer locked and the guards were hardly needed.

If we want to change this world for the better, our ambition must be to see Jesus as he really is and to tell others about him, for by such means is darkness swept away.


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