
He appointed Simon (3:16) Tuariki Delamere invented the front-flip long jump. There is only one grainy video of him performing the jump at a regional competition. It was immediately banned as too dangerous and no one has heard of him. Dick Fosbury invented the back-flip high jump. His technique is used by every top high jumper at every significant event. He won an Olympic gold medal and his name is written into history as the Fosbury flop. The difference? Not risk. The actual risk of a broken neck is probably higher in a back-flip than a front-flip. No. Timing! Delamere revealed his at a small local competition so it could easily be banned. Fosbury revealed his at the Olympics. If Delamere had done the same he would be an Olympic gold medalist and everyone would be doing a front-flip long jump, the Delamere roll. Peter is first in the list of apostles because he became the leader of the first church. He seems to have been appointed as such by Jesus. Why? Well I suppose you could say ti...